Victoria Arduino Leva 2 Groups

    Victoria Arduino Leva 2 Groups

    18,000.00 AED
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    The ancient art of coffee still lives in the Athena Leva, the espresso machine so beloved by espresso professionals. Its lever delivery system ensures a high level of customization of the drink, but at the same time requires a high level of competence on the part of the barista.

    In typical lever espresso coffee machines the water that enters the group is straight from the boiler, which is well known to have a pressure of 1 to 1.2 bar, corresponding to 120-130° C. Basically it is the same water used to generate steam. Instead, in the Victoria Arduino Athena Leva, which uses heat exchangers (even though it is a lever machine), the water temperature can be controlled to optimize the quality of extracted coffee. In this case, for an excellent pre-infusion, a special pressure reducer reduces the pressure of the water supply, which is normally 4 to 6 bar. With these specifications, coffee extractions with the Athena Leva are particularly creamy and not burnt (as may happen with water at high temperatures).